Friday, July 19, 2019

Silent night

I haven't blogged in a while. Which is possibly the most cliche thing for a semi-retired blogger to say when attempting to write again. So maybe I should delete this part. 

Tons have changed since I last wrote anything for this blog, including (but not limited to) having ANOTHER niece!!! More on the adorable Cami later, I hope. My memory is, shall we say, challenged.

I consider myself completely blessed (HASHTAGBLESSED!!!) to have been able to help my sister in the US the two times she's given birth. When Cami was born early 2018, I was around again. Her older sister Carlie was about 2 and a half years old when Cami showed up. Carlie was growing up to be a sharp and funny little girl, much to my constant amusement.

For instance, one time she heard me groaning when attempting to stand from a sitting position on the floor, and asked why I was making sounds. I said I was old. Which of course prompted her existential question, "Why are you old?"

Why indeed.

With a newborn in the house, we usually kept it pretty quiet. We were especially muted when Cami was napping because she was excruciatingly shrieky when she was awake and upset (thanks to her tummy issues).

It was during one of those Cami naps when I saw Carlie intently watching one of her cute TV shows with the volume set to like ... 2 or 3. It was really soft. I could barely discern words. I watched Carlie for a while and she seemed to be highly entertained and focused. Wow, I thought, this toddler's hearing is amazing. My curiosity got the best of me and I had to ask:

"Carlie, can you hear anything? Do you know what's going on?"

"Yes!" she said. Nodding. Not breaking eye contact with Peppa or whoever it was.

"Really? What are they saying?"

And Carlie said, in all seriousness and in a very soft voice:


Oh Car. Never change.